Hong Kong two

haven't felt that well since getting here, i think the flight caused my nasal passages to implode. good thing pharmacies over here will give you anything you want without a prescription, please take notes america. antibiotics: $6.00. already feeling better. now some interesting facts that i have learned since arrival:
(1) there are no floors in residental buildings that have the number four in them because it sounds like the devil in chinese. there are fours in business buildings, i guess because they know the devil is always at work.
"if you want to escape this living hell, dust off your chains and be free. if you don't believe you owe it to yourself, you can owe it to me." -morcheeba
(2) everytime i am at a urinal, i feel eyes gazing at my package. not indiscreetly, very blatently. at first i didn't believe it but i have been doing some extensive research and results state clearly that hong kongers are package glancers.
(3) everybody in this city wants to tailor me a suit. do i look like i need a suit?
(4) there is absolutely no pattern to which way you pass someone when you are headed towards them on the sidewalk. they drive on the left hand side here so you would think that you would go left but they don't. i have run into about twenty people dead on.
(5) when you get rid of your cell phone, your thigh continues to vibrate constantly. i cannot tell you how many times i have checked my pocket for an incoming call.
went to cheung chau island today. it is a small fishing town about a thirty minute ferry ride from hong kong. it was absolutely amazing, rented a bike for 20 HKD (about two bucks) and i was all over that place. i don't think the natives were too impressed with my riding skills but i definitely shredded it. they should have charged me three bucks. i got some really good pictures so when i figure out how to share them you will definitely have to check them out. i also learned a very vauable lesson today: do not ask a man with excessive forearm tatoos where the bathrooms are using pee and poop body guestures. his eyes will bug out of his head and he will begin yelling at you.
the 2008 charamella blog championship looks like it could be an absolute landslide. in your defense little guy, my computer capabilities in china might have an edge on yours in mexico.
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