Vietnam one

if rain fell from the sky and shot from the earth at the exact time then you would be able to grasp a mental image of what it is like on the streets of ho chi min city. this place is absolutely insane. as intense and emotionally charged as this blog is, i cannot even come close to doing it justice. i will try and get some pictures out but i am currently sitting in a room the size of phone booth swimming in my own persperation typing on a keyboard with 16 1/2 legible keys. a s d f...
hjkl. i can still here my typing teacher from high school, ms. ferrari shouting in my ear.
i met a man named mingh on the street this morning and i tried brushing him off at first like a true tourist. no eye contact, broken record no thank you, no thank you, no thank you. but he pulled out this journal that kind of got my attention. it had all these hand written letters from other people that he had toured around. so for 300,000 vd (about $20) i had my own personal tour guide. though my butt is as sore as david beckhams would be in jail, it was a once in a life time oppurtunity riding around on the back of mingh's moto-bike all day. that guy is one hell of a driver, i think i saw a bright white light atleast eight times. we rode about 40 km outside the city through the rice fields to the cu chi tunnels which is a war memorial from the vietnamese perspective. it was pretty interesting and a little difficult to stomach. the day included climbing through tunnels the size of hvac ducts and firing off AK-47s at targets of american soldiers. pretty wild, i was definitely the only yank there. mingh and i headed back into the city battling rush hour traffic which was definitely the most insane thing i have ever experienced. just hit a steam bath and an hour of a little vietnamese girl walking on my back. amazing. happy monday everyone... i'm out here working for you.
hjkl. i can still here my typing teacher from high school, ms. ferrari shouting in my ear.
i met a man named mingh on the street this morning and i tried brushing him off at first like a true tourist. no eye contact, broken record no thank you, no thank you, no thank you. but he pulled out this journal that kind of got my attention. it had all these hand written letters from other people that he had toured around. so for 300,000 vd (about $20) i had my own personal tour guide. though my butt is as sore as david beckhams would be in jail, it was a once in a life time oppurtunity riding around on the back of mingh's moto-bike all day. that guy is one hell of a driver, i think i saw a bright white light atleast eight times. we rode about 40 km outside the city through the rice fields to the cu chi tunnels which is a war memorial from the vietnamese perspective. it was pretty interesting and a little difficult to stomach. the day included climbing through tunnels the size of hvac ducts and firing off AK-47s at targets of american soldiers. pretty wild, i was definitely the only yank there. mingh and i headed back into the city battling rush hour traffic which was definitely the most insane thing i have ever experienced. just hit a steam bath and an hour of a little vietnamese girl walking on my back. amazing. happy monday everyone... i'm out here working for you.
congratulations on that steambath....kudos to you my friend. i love reading this thing! simply amazing
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