so sorry to return to subject of bodily movements but it really is quite fascinating. when a group of intelligent, well traveled individuals gather in the setting of a mountain lodge in the middle of the himalaya, no matter how good the book it is that they are reading or the places they have recently visited the subject is constantly poo poo and puke. so goes the cycle of life. as the trail progressed, the amount of westerners increased drastically at base camp. many people were trying to fight off sicknesses while others were forced to turn around before the turn. quite a scene. so fast forward about five days... i just got back from a rafting trip that lasted three days, which was amazing. i am definitely a "bottom of the mountain" type of guy. the rapids were pretty intense and made for some exhilirating moments all headed up by a guide crew of fifteen yr olds. we camped out on the beaches along the river which was so much warmer and more comfortable than the cold of the mountains. the best part was waking up in the mornings and swimming without the raft in the rapids. you don't realize how fast you are getting sucked down until you look at the shoreline flying by. we jumped off a bunch of cliffs and due to an overturned truck carrying vegetables by the river side, we were able to gather most of our dinner right out of the river. the two days before the trip i spent in the town of pukhara eating tons of food and sleeping almost constantly. the weight is slowly coming back on. these pictures are still from the trek, camera and rafting do not go together well.
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