Nepal one

this country is exactly what i needed. good riddens burger king and starbucks. i will miss you fast internet. the cars here are all miniscule, there is no possible way that an NBA team could play an exhibition game here. kathmandu is a pretty lively city, the steets are all very similar in looks so i am pretty much lost all the time. they arent actually streets either, they are more like wide alleys where there is always a high speed chase going on. you almost have to hug the walls as you walk so you dont lose a toe. the terrain is also a bit rough with flip flops which is very hard to deal with considering i havent worn shoes in months. this is the only place that i have been where it is rude to say thank you. after a simple business transaction you are expected to simply walk away. in bangladesh everyone thanked me for nothing, here no one thanks me for anything. weird world. the mountain hippies here are very fun to look at, they dont really walk and they dont really open their eyes. they just sort of glide blindly. the other significant majority within the western population are the patagonia pricks. they all wear brand new expensive gear and walk around with walking sticks and high wool socks... nerds. the olympic torch was carried to everest today and this guy was not present. i woke up at 5am to catch a flight to see mt. everest from the air but the flight was canceled because the chinese have a complex. thanks a lot china, another reason not to buy your fabulous array of products that i depend on day in and day out. i thought there were alot of monkeys in thailand, i stand corrected. nepal is monkey crazy. they are everywhere, this morning i saw hundreds of them running through the streets. it was mad. their arch nemesists are the street dogs so there were fights everywhere. never in my life have i seen such a crazy scene in the streets. cows, monkeys, bison, dogs, rats, cats, chickens. all just running wild on the streets of the capitol city. the only animals in our capital are retarded donkeys.
i am headed out early tomorrow morning on an eighteen day trek through the himalaya so there is an excellent chance that my blog may run at half speed if at all for the next few weeks. i sincerely apologize for this and realize that some of you may have coniptions but a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do. i will try my best but dont expect many pictures for a while. just know that i am in one of the most beautiful places in the world.
You will be missed. Your are my world news report every single day!
Enjoy the journey
happy trails bro look forward to hearing more - keep it real
Beautiful photos, Michael!
Please get some proper shoes for the trek! You are in our hearts every step of the way!
happy trails.. to you...until.. we meet.. again...
I miss your blog, but no conniptions yet.
xo Yael
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