Thailand sixteen

back in the city of ping pong shows and the best street food in the world where elephants and lady boys run wild on the streets. where the king reigns supreme on the corners of every street in the company of a prostitute or six. gone for now are the beautiful beaches, hammocks, bare feet, and moto bikes. i will mish it much but vow to return before too long. i took the fourteen hour journey last night, first on a boat and then on a bus, a very crowded bus that reeked of fish flavored peanuts and physical discomfort. the journey included several miscues by not only the travel agent but also the driver. i am so unaffected by these hiccups in travel that like diareah in india. i just expect it. as i leave thailand, i leave behind two of favorite travel companions as well. my two best friends in fact. the two things that i could always count on. the two things that helped me when i was down and celebrated with me when i was up. goodbye i-pod and so long mustache. i will see you again soon and due to the nature of the buddhist religoin that they shared, in a reincarnated form. now i continue on my choose your own adventure, where to go?... stay posted.
What?? No I-Pod??? How else will you introduce the dali lama to gangsta rap in Dharmsala???
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