the towns that you pass through are how i would picture towns from the old west. i felt like i had taken a spaceship back into time. not to mention that it is approaching rainy season so for days at a time we didn't see many if any other westerners. i witnessed some of the most hilarious stuff that i have ever encountered while in some of these sleepy mountain villages. here are some of my favorites: (1) we see these two little girls, maybe four years old and two tiny kittens up ahead as we are walking up the trail. cute, right? maybe they are cuddling the kittens or feeding them a morsel of rice. or maybe they are chasing the kittens and grabbing them by the tails then launching them as far as they can off a little cliff. (2) i witnessed a full on urine fight between two young boys on the main road in a town called lower pisang, manang. they started off congenially releasing their fluids next to each other like friends should. one swung towards the other and the battle began. only my left new balance 574 was hit. (3) kids playing dodgeball with apples wrapped in cloth. one of the shots left the field of play and hit one of the village elders. very elders. i didnt know what to do. i had to go into my room because i could not contain laughter. (4) all the village men gathering at night to watch the towns only TV to watch monday night raw. the whole village thinks atlantic city, nj is a sacred place where flourescent clad barbarians roam the streets awaiting their chance to enter the ring. i didn't have the heart to tell them the truth. the undertaker regained the crown.
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