Vietnam five

let us all pray that the germans and vietnamese do not go to war anytime soon. these are two very stubborn breeds. this entire island is a occupied by nothing but natives and german tourists who have a found a sort of price bickering olympics here. the battle at hand today was over moto-bike rates. the germans insisted on 70d per day while the natives would not budge on their rate of 80d. this went on for what seemed like hours and i eventually had to throw in my white flag and hand over the 80d. by the way, thiis duel was over 10d (about 65 cents). so i have been cruising around the island in my sleak cherry apple red kawasaki ninja. actually i think it is a kawasaki white belt but it is sufficently equipped for my moto skills. plus, i could not imagine going any faster than 50kph on these rocky red dust roads. why have we not switched over to the metric system? the whole world uses it and it is the second most popular subject for euros to make fun of americans about. right behind the gun laws in our cowboy country.
this place phu quoc island out here in the gulf of thailand is truly incredible, not a bad place to have to kill six or seven days. my routine here is as follows... cruise on my japanese steed to some secluded hard to find beach, read and swim for a few hours, eat a huge piece of fish for about two bucks, read and swim and doze off for a bit. cruise back to the hostel, have another huge piece of fish usually embedded with some exotic coconut milk or with chiles and lemongrass. then drink some rum with my german neighbors while i teach them a little english. pass out. repeat.
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