Thailand one

the bus ride from siem reap to the thailand border involves more moguls than the winter olympics. my rear end was never on my seat for more than two seconds and the average bounce height was close to six inches. the population of the bus appeared to be listening to house of pains number one hit of the late nineties the entire ride. it included an accident in which our driver went to investigate and was missing for more than an hour. he came back with very red eyes and zero information regarding the accident. he spoke zero english so this transaction included a lot of shoulder shrugging and giggling. i thought the german man behind me was going to completely explode with anger. his eyes were four inches out of his head and sweat was pouring horizontally from his body. i asked him politely to spin around quickly to give the sprinkler effect. he was not amused by my comments but others were. thirteen hours of traveling is awesome, if only i had recorded ER season 2 onto my i-pod. i would have been set.
arrived in koh chang, thailand at about ten. enough time to discover how much influence the west has had on thailand. i have seen like six 7-11's already and kids have NBA jerseys that are way too recent. i am staying on lonely beach, a mixture ex-pats, rastas, and backpackers. not a whole lot of GW stickers in this neck of the woods. if you are looking for endless rifts of led zepelin and bob marley, che guevara t-shirts, bamboo tattoo shops, and white people with dreadlocks than i have found your spot. everyone here seems to think that in the thirty days that they are permitted in thailand that they too can become a revolutionist. a whole lot of wild characters here, i think i will stay a week. if you could see the passion that mr. tong, the restaurant owner next to my bungalows puts into mixing a drink you would stay too. he wildy shakes it around so it looks like it is trying to escape from him like a powerful hawk. he also is quite the ladies man. he puts a flower in every female customers hair and then shows them a mirror to make sure they approve of the position. play on mr. tong.
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