Cambodia three

left kampot, awesome little town. still very underdeveloped and not very touristy at all. been in sihanoukville for the last three days. it is cambodia's busiest port/beach town that apparently i missed by about five years because it is now almost completely western run. we have trained the locals to see us as walking dollar signs. i couldn't get one step out of my hostel without five guys rushing me to offer a ride. it really was annoying and for a day or two it really left a stained impression of cambodia in my mind. but yesterday changed my perception entirely. it was thus far the best day of my travels. i joined up with two british guys in kampot and have been traveling with them for about a week. makes things a lot cheaper and at times very entertaining. we met a tuk-tuk driver that said he would take us to play soccer so we rode with him into this shady part of town. we had no idea what to expect. they say that 2km in any direction outside of the tourist driven serendipity beach (named by an american named carl who is now trying to sue establishments for using the name.... way to go america) and you are back in cambodia. so we enter these campus gates and are in the middle of this enormous k-12 university which is just being let out for the day. it was insane, within minutes as we waited on the field for the game to begin there were hundreds of little kids rushing us from every direction. we were literally in the middle of a sea of little people all saying "hello" "hello." it is impossible to describe the feeling. when the older kids got out the game began. with hundreds of kids lining the field we played 8 on 8 for about an hour in the sweltering cambodian sun. all of the older kids were cheering for the other team but the little ones gave us their full support. cheers, songs, chants... it was incredible. we ended up winning 8-6. the whole experience was of my favorite moments in my 27 years. literally got goose bumps as we were leaving the campus, followed by hundreds of kids. im in pnom phen now, got here today. cambodia's capital, a real booming metropolis where even the toilets flush. i have also never seen such high road curbs in my life, they are atleast 20 inches.
the blog is great man keep up the good work ... wix
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