Vietnam six

bbc susie: michael, have you been injured yet on your trip?
michael: funny you should ask susie, today i found myself over top of my moto bike handles in a large puddle of red mud.
bbc susie: oh my heavens! are you okay? did you suffer any serious injuries?
michael: no luckily just some scrapes and bruises, it could have been a lot worse. the cut on my hand was the worst of it all and a few scrapes on my knees and elbows. the hardest part was finding the injuries because nearly my entire body was covered in red mud.
bbc susie: that is good, was the moto bike damaged at all?
michael: why yes it was, the rear view mirrors were both smashed and the foot rest was mashed upwards.
bbc susie: oh no! was it expensive to fix?
michael: absolutely not. the mirrors cost about a dollar each and i landed in front of a mechanics house who was happy to help with the foot rest for a small price.
bbc susie: did this mechanic by chance have three monkeys tied to a tree, a lazy eye, about nine crazy kids, and a dog also with a lazy eye?
michael: that is so funny that you should mention all of those characteristics because they are all in fact very true. the nine crazy kids washed both the bike and myself while taking turns on the ladder to rinse my head. while they weren't dumping water all over me they were imitating the way i flew through the air. laughing a lot.
bbc susie: should your mother be worried?
michael: absolutely not.
bbc susie: thank you so much michael, please be safe on your travels.
michael: i will, thank you bbc susie. by the way how did you know about the mechanic with the lazy eye and the monkeys?
bbc susie: i have had relations with that man.
i am headed into cambodia tommorrow so the blog may go absent for a day or so but i am sure that the material i gather will be classic. i will wear camoflauge and dark sunglasses on my journey.
That beach is amazing! Keep it up and stay safe- That "happy monday" says it all buddy-
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