Nepal eleven

since returning from the trek, their have been many inquiries concerning the details and the conditions of my travel through the annapurna range. though i would love to say that these inquiries were heavily based on my health and well being, the actuality of the matter is that the majority of the commentary has been based around my mountain attire. while most trekkers were geared in the latest mountain gear and fashioned to the hill in an assortment of brand new north face and patagonia themed outfits (consisting entirely of obnoxious primary colors), i chose a different approach. i was not sure that these mountains would give me much challenge so to better test the savagery of my character i decided on a pair of worn out new balance 574 urban sneakers, tennis socks, 1996 olive green j crew chinos (no pleats), a rented womans down jacket, and a thick layer of 50/50 blend t-shirts. you can wikipedia annapurna all day and you will not be able to find a human in the history of the world that conquered this trechorous range wearing what i wore. for those of you who did express concern for my health, thank you. this blog entry should now put a dagger in the throat of all of those individuals that chose to poke fun at my innovative/genius/never been done before mountain gear.
the country of nepal has just ousted the king and the democratic party (maoist supprted) is in the midst of taking over. though i am sure that the american media has described this government turnover with references to bombs and murder, the actuality is that the streets are filled with smiles and laughter. i am currently back in the capitol of kathmandu and things are normal as can be. so next time you decide to go to a place and are swayed negatively by the reports issued by the US dept of state website, do not be deterred by the government warning. the warnings are exagerated and infused largely by that dysfunctional oil crazed family of inbreds from texas that have a difficult enough time deciphering their asses from their elbows.
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