Nepal twelve

as you watch your trash getting picked up by a truck once a week and carried away to an undisclosed location that you never see; and when you flush your waste matter down that clean porcelin chair and watch the water transform back to its crisp clear form, say thank you. these are not opportunities that the nepali people get to experience on a regular basis. in fact, without much effort i was able to locate where all of their unwanted materials go. it is right under the bridge as you are leaving the city of thamel and entering kathmandu city. they have apparently hired hundreds of wild pigs to hang out there and eat and lounge in the fecal matter of the city. so in addition to the list of wild animals that roam the streets of this city you can now add the most digusting pigs that i have ever seen. i love bacon as much as the next guy but my life of pork feasting will never return to its old form after what i have seen today. these streets are crazy, besides the wild animals the dead animals are almost as wild of a sight. not many places where you can almost trip on a large set of intestines as you are walking down the street. snake charmers, palm readers, witches, gymnast midgets, rasta hindus, this is a place where it is very hard to stand out. speaking of standing out, i am headed to india tomorrow. i have a feeling that india will provide some of my best material yet. stay tuned.
nice stache my brother..hope all is well..jah
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