Thailand three

two things place this country on the very top of my list; the food and the massages. there is something special about waking up every morning to a fresh peanut covered batch of pad thai and finishing the day with an oil covered thai massage. all of the thai massages that i supposedly was getting for all those years in the states were a complete hoax. you walk away feeling like your arms and legs are longer.
the little village that i have claimed residency this week is the type of place that in a perfect world all my friends and family would live forever. it is great. small little houses with open air bathrooms (this can be a problem when it is raining in the middle of the night but if you rig an umbrella over the toilet you will be fine) sitting on the hillside of the rainforest overlooking the ocean. the community is made up of germans, swiss, canadians, english, spaniards, australians. i have already met so many amazing people in my travels, it is so true that it is just as much about the people you meet as it is the places you see.
i have found the greatest driving experience in the world. there is road here that leads to a secluded beach that i will not say the name of on the world wide web but if you come to this beautiful island contact me personally and i will give you top notch directions. the road curves around the hills overlooking the ocean dipping and climbing these amazing hills that i could have never climbed on a peddle bike even in my prime ten-speed days. it goes in and out of the rainforest and for parts of the drive you can usually find a thunderstorm which opens up to a sunny beach. this also means that yes i am back behind the moto bike. this time an orange steed with devil stickers. savage. this bike is proof that one should never judge a book by its cover. it looks very fast. it is certainly not. twelve year old girls giggle as they pass me as i putter up hills. it is kind of like when you go go-kart racing and you always dread getting the really slow car. i got it.
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