India two

india is a country made up of misconceptions. when you have over a billion people who speak over 20,000 languages there is bound to be some confusion. bangladesh is the only country thus far where i have endured as many confused stares. people are not really sure what to make of me. i can only imagine it being the same if a holy man from india were to walk the streets in any city in the US. with their rags for clothes, long bearded faces covered in tribal like paint, this is what i must look like to these people. they must see westerners all the time but the amazement never fades. i have three heads in this country. many face this obscurity with panic but there is no need to fear these stares. a smile is the only weapon you need to conquer this feeling of social anxiety. when you smile at an indian they are almost sure to smile back. we fear the dirt of this country, we fear the disease, we fear all the differences between us and them. there is no need to fear, i have found that the people here are genuine and friendly. we have been around for a little over three hundred years, india has been around for more than 10,000. they have to be doing something right. by the way, is the rumor true that ford was just bought by the indian company tata? i was told this and could not believe it to be truth. that is like cuba buying coca-cola. my volunteer work is one week underway and so far the experience has been amazing. i am doing sports and art activities with first through fifth graders. the kids are hilarious and i know leaving them will be very difficult. 'gandhi says' (the indian equivalent to 'simon says' that i have created) remains the crowd favorite.
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