yes those students are urinating off a hill. there are not any bathrooms at the school so urine fights and spinning around while peeing (urine helicopters) are common practice here at gyan deep school. the school actually reminds me of a jail the size of a large 7-11. the toughest thing to get used to is the physical punishment that the teachers constantly use on the kids. seeing a cute seven year olds face smacked is not an enjoyable experience. just another thing to except as this countries culture and tradition continually baffle my brain. we visited upper dharmsala and mcleod gunj where the dalai lamma lives and is home to one of the biggest exile tibetan populations in the world. i can see why this spiritual center is so successful, the road to mcloed gunj is one of the most trechorous journies that i have ever experienced. sections as narrow an obese american man and holes big enough that that same man could fall right into without coming close to touching the sides. according to ancient buddhist scripture, hell is located on the opposite side of the earth at the exact opposite coordinates as bodhgaya, the city in india where buddha became enlightened. i immediately checked my atlas and found hell to be located just south of houston, texas. what a suprise.
What adorable little faces! Keep up the enthusiasm with your teaching, Michael. You never know just how far your influence will go towards helping the rest of the world to see that Americans really are good people. Lots of love ,
Maybe the helicopter routine should be used on those teachers!!
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