India five

my period with the first graders consists mostly of buckling little girls dress belts and tying little boys shoes. it happens the same way every day, one little girl approaches me with a loose belt buckle and the dominoes start falling. as i look down the line of kids i can see kids frantically unbuttoning buckles and untying shoes. after managing grown people for five years, i figured small people would be a piece of cake. not the case. especially when communication is nearly impossible. my hat is off to all teachers after this experience, i come home from the school absolutely exhausted. the older ones are a little easier to manage but still a royal pain in the ass.
as a pedestrian you can pretty much count on atleast three near death experiences every time you walk down the street, the air is constantly littered with beeping horns that dont wait for you to move just announce that you are about to almost die. cows on the other hand are as safe as can be, every day on the way to work there are lanes shut down due to cows deciding to lounge in the middle of the road. why such a stupid animal was chosen to be sacred is beyond me. you must also be aware of the fluids flying from passing buses, whether it be paan spit (a red chewing tobacco that stains this entire country, whether it be a hospital wall or every other mans shirt front) or vomit or the occasional child being held up to urinate out the window. cover your head as the bus approaches. this country is beyond statement. anything you say about it, the opposite is also true. it is rich, it is poor. it is clean, it is very dirty. it is smart, it is stupid. it is angry, it is peaceful. it is kind, it is cruel. it is material, it is spiritual. prime example: sitting in a restaurant having dinner and they decide that in the middle of the prime eating time they will carry all the restaurants garbage from the last month through the restaurant and out the front door. the smell was worse that any of you could ever imagine. i nearly vomitted several times. so what do they do to fix the problem? they light an incense, place it on the table and give a big smile. this place can really drive you to insanity with no stops, no layovers.
You're lucky you don't have to tie the'd be out of luck!!!! Hope all is well, Love,
Keep the blogs coming. I enjoy them all.
Hope you're bringing back paan for all your friends. -- Dave Dammen
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