why is it that we waste so much time in elementary school on cursive. what is cursive and when do we ever use these pointless flowing letters. i have never used cursive in the real world, i have never seen cursive anywhere except on a long piece of lamenated paper over a chalkboard with silly little pictures mixed in with it. it is not used on signs, it is not used in books. if there is anyone out there that can give me a legitimate reason for the continuation of teaching cursive to our children i will buy them a plane ticket to wherever i am so that i can personally tell them that their reason is not legitimate and slap them across the jugular. please join my revolution to ban the practice of this outdated curving letter connection. trying to write cursive on a blackboard is like writing with my left hand after long night out with friends. the kids laugh and laugh at my cursive writing abilities and my confidence a a teacher is gradually reducing itself to nothing. i am not the hero that i used to be in the indian school system because of this stupid writing technique that has no right existing anymore. do me a favor and write 'the zebra fell down a hill' in cursive and you will know how i feel.
The lower case z and the upper case G are both pretty awful. I personally don't write in cursive, but I think it is taught to improve manual dexterity and also because it can be written faster than printing (if practiced). Good luck and look forward to the plane ticket.
I have forwarded your blog to the Secy. of Education for comment re cursive. I think you're on to something! Great pics...I'm surprised your subjects don't take offense. Love,
Not sure you check this but as I am down here in Mexico your brother enlightened us on this cursive revolution you have started. When/if you arrive here in Mexico you have my support! We used you as our intellectual evidence to say CURSIVE SUCKS!!!!
Get your ass to Mexico,
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